Che Chuoi Nuong - Grilled Banana with Coconut Milk Sweet Soup

2:21 AM

Grilled Banana with Coconut Milk Sweet Soup is one of the richest nutrition Vietnamese Dessert. “Che chuoi nuong” is widely known in the South as sweet and fleshy flavor. This recipe is one of the most common in Vietnam and it is very easy to do.

Che Chuoi Nuong Hoi An
"Che Chuoi Nuong" in a Hoi An Restaurant
Photo: Internet
- 10 bananas
- Banana leaves
- 400 ml of coconut milk
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon of salt
- 1 teaspoon of corn starch
- Crushed roasted peanuts

- Roll each banana with banana leave, put into the oven in 250 °C about 20 minutes. After that, unwrap the leaves and put it back to the oven for 5 more minutes to have the golden brown color. Slice it into smaller pieces to easy to serve.

- Add 400 ml of coconut milk, 100 ml of cold water, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and bring to a boil. Mix 1 teaspoon of corn starch with a little water and put into the mixture and cook over low heat, stirring frequently for 5 minutes until it become thicken.

- To serve, add about 3 – 4 banana pieces into a bowl and cover with a few tablespoons of the coconut base and garnish with the crushed roasted peanuts to enhance the flavor. This dessert can be eaten hot, at room temperature or chilled.

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